David Johansson

David Johansson is the CEO of MetaKing Studios and the Creator of BLOCKLORDS. Building the incentivized digital ecosystems of the future. My education at San Diego State University, where I studied film, set me up with a strong understanding of storytelling, character development, and world-building — the fundamental building blocks for crafting compelling video games. Not to mention, directing theater turned out to be a goldmine for deepening my storytelling knowledge and the necessity of team effort. After wrapping up my studies, I spent a couple of years in Hollywood, picking up skills in creative film packaging and sharpening my storytelling abilities. About ten years ago, I transitioned to China and began my journey in the gaming industry. I’ve played a variety of roles in creative and production departments on games like Crusader Kings, Liberators, and League of Angels. This experience gave me a unique perspective into player preferences and how to craft engaging gaming experiences. I stepped into the world of cryptocurrencies in 2017, as a tech enthusiast and retail trader. This gave me an insider’s view of the crypto market and allowed me to truly comprehend the potential of web3 technologies. Recognizing the massive opportunity of integrating web3 into gaming, I pivoted in 2018 to focus on the development of BLOCKLORDS, and later co-founded the Seascape Network. Diving headfirst into the crypto universe was quite the eye-opening journey. It kicked off in the heat of summer 2017 when a buddy of mine dropped the term ICOs into conversation. The concept of decentralized crowdfunding sparked my interest, urging me to do some digging. As I began unraveling the mysteries of Bitcoin, I was instantly hooked by the ideas of blockchains, mining, and sound money. One thing led to another, and soon enough, I found myself knee-deep in smart contracts and even dabbling with Solidity. That summer marked a turning point in my life. I surfaced as a fully fledged crypto junkie, or as we cheekily refer to it in the community, a “degen.” This fresh obsession not only shifted my perspective on finance but also lit a fire in me to investigate how web3 technologies could shake up the gaming industry.