DILL is the First sharding-based Data Availability solution. All day DA! Dill is the first-ever sharding-based data availability network. Dill’s modular DA network is designed to provide high-performance, affordable, and secure data availability services that other blockchains can build upon. What sets Dill apart from other DA solutions is its elegant sharding architecture and innovative augment staking mechanism. The widely-acknowledged blockchain trillama is among security, scalability and decentralization. One can achieve two but cannot have them all. The Dill team has made conscious decisions and painful trade-offs since day one to build a high performance DA network. High performance — data and network sharding with 64MB large blob size Fast finality — validity proof with aggregated KZG polynomial commitment Permissionless network — 2D erasure coding with DAS Extra resilience — light client cross shard rotation and DHT network and more…