Emily Poplawski

Emily Poplawski is a 12+ yr seasoned startup Product executive experienced at taking products from 0 to mass market, most recently as Head of Product at Modern Fertility (joined at seed, acquired by Ro for $225M) and Product Lead for Mobile at Houzz — reporting to founders in both roles. Her experiences have won design awards from Apple and Google, including Best App of 2016 for augmented reality shopping experiences. Emily is a thought-leader in consumer and eCommerce, having led Product for Walmart Lab, where she overhauled Walmart's mobile strategy, making Walmart a Top 40 downloaded app and is an inventor of 14 patents for eComm innovations. Emily's style is hands-on and technical, having worked on Windows at Microsoft and graduated in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Duke University. Her leadership approach is focused on solving user, technical, and business problems alike, having run Operations, Sales, and Customer Experience. She is loved by her teams (an advocate for developers!) and a diehard champion of company culture.