is a test, an entrepreneurial experiment. Not a manifesto.Not a movement. Currently the mainstream startup narrative is owned by VC backed startups who’s success and ambition are often measured by the amount of capital they’ve raise. That’s a fine narrative, but not the only one. VC funding can great for some companies, but it comes with a certain set of expectations that have an impact on everything from business model to company culture. VC backed startups, by design, are on a different timeline with a different measure of success for all involved. Those are fine expectations and outcomes, but not the only ones. Our sense is that there’s a cultural shift towards taking little to no VC investment, staying independent longer (or indefinitely) without sacrificing the ambition for building large, profitable and impactful businesses. We’re seeing more and more of these businesses hit our radar every day, and we’ve wanted to find a ways to foster that independent ideal and DIY ethic. is designed to test whether that sense we have is real. Can we provide the resources and networks founders would traditionally get taking VC money, without all the expectations and baggage that come with it? Would an early focus on cashflow and sustainability v. fundable milestones stunt growth or lay the foundation for a more scalable long-term culture? Is it possible to maintain and independent attitude and ethos with an outside investor on your cap table? And could these types of companies compete, and win, against their traditionally VC funded peers? We think the answer is yes, but it may not be and we’re open to that outcome too. Which is why this is a test.