Nik Kalyani

Nik Kalyani is co-founder of Decentology, DNN Software; educator; Open Source proponent; Microsoft MVP; tech geek; creative thinker. I am co-founder of Decentology, an organization devoted to making blockchain and cryptocurrency more accessible to mainstream users through Open Source tools and free content. My co-founder is Chase Chapman. I am also co-founder and CTO of WhenHub. Our flagship product is "Interface," a mobile app that makes it easy for anyone to find an Expert on any topic and video call them. Payment is handled with a blockchain Smart Contract. I also founded a non-profit – Edaptable – creator of Walkstarter, a free platform that makes walkathon fundraising easy for public schools. Over $3.75 million has been raised to benefit schools using the platform. Previously, I co-founded DNN Software (acquired by ESW in 2017), the company behind DNN, the #1 CMS in the Microsoft ecosystem with over 800,000 websites worldwide. Prior to DNN, I created two other tech startups, one venture-funded and one self-funded. I excel at two things: leadership and building products. I have the talent, experience and drive needed to assemble a great team and build a world-class product. Equally technical and creative, I also have real-world sales, marketing and software engineering expertise that have contributed greatly to my success.