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Omna Toshniwal is Product at MetaMask. I am committed to make a positive impact on people. Optimistic about the potential of technology, I work with existing and especially emerging technologies to make useful products and services to solve people problems. My process includes co-creation with multi-disciplinary product teams to figure out what we should build and how. I usually own the human-centric perspective, and facilitate decision-making balancing different perspectives: UX, technical capabilities & constraints, business requirements & opportunities. Type of skills I value and enjoy practicing: Product strategy (roadmapping, KPIs), Product Design (user research, prototyping, testing), Critical thinking. Experienced in (and continuously learning) how to shape and humanize emerging technologies (like blockchain, AI, IoT) to solve societal and individual problems. Passion (side) projects: I sometimes teach Product Design, and collaborate on emerging markets & impact projects.