Paul Stamatiou

Principal Product Designer at Kraken, working in crypto. I'm a designer who loves to build and code. I'm a fierce advocate for having a high product quality bar and know that having an intimate understanding of technical constraints is a core part of elevating quality. I obsess over the details in visual design, interaction design and prototypes, but I've been a product designer long enough to know that successful designs encompass much more than that. They're collaborative endeavors spanning research, engineering, product, design and more. I spend a lot of time on the intangible parts of a product, like documentation and product strategy, to help focus teams and evangelize the direction. I'm always building something on the side. Currently that is Stocketa, my stock & crypto portfolio tracker app. When the pandemic started, I found myself wanting to learn iOS app development. I knew I wanted a better way to track my investments so I designed and built the website, app and backend of Stocketa myself.